Monday, December 26, 2011

SOLDOUT :( Starbucks Customizable Cold Cups 2 for $7!

Starbucks has their holiday customizable cold cups on sale AND there is a B1G1 sale! The 16oz cup is on sale for $6.99- so 2 cups for $6.99 OR the 24oz (venti) is on sale for $7.99! Also if you are new customer you can get an additional 10% off using the code STNPWEKD.  You do have to pay shipping- but there is a $3 option! *Also, it does look "holiday" but that liner can come out and make it just a regular clear cup.*


  1. sold out this morning :( Great deal though!

  2. darn it! I guess there were some midnight shoppers buying them all up! :(
