Sunday, February 26, 2012

Free with coupons!

In the world of deals, it doesn't get much better than FREE! :) Remember that Old Navy App I told you about previously (called Snap Appy)? Well, my friend and I were both in the store so we decided to give it a shot and take picture of the Old Navy logo. Much to our delight, we both got $10 off coupons! So of course, we both planned to spend exactly $10 so we would pay nothing. Grady was the benefactor of that deal as I got him a few travel items for our upcoming flight and trip to Arizona. He loves Toy Story. Then my sweet friend Roberta gave me a $10 off coupon for JCPenney. Thinking I'd find something for Grady, I went in to look. Low and behold I found 4 sweatshirts that came to the grand total of...$10! What a deal :) Thanks berta!  Moral of this story: coupons are great :)

1 comment:

  1. wooo hooo! i suuuuper like this post :) especially the AZ part!!!
